Passion and Game Fuels Me

I am a Software Convergence Major. I have studied Python, HTML, CSS, JaveScript, Node.js, and C.

I play and research a lot of video games. I especially love to play games from VALVE Corporation, which is my dream job. (at least I can count to 3)

I prefer paper books to e-books. I think I have spent most of the times in bookstore just to search for an ideal book rather than buying. Most of my knowledge comes from them, too. I have a hard time following online tutorials.
I love both listening and playing music. I have a band called LiebensMai, and we are working with Nexon to make a video game dedicated OST album. My role is to compose, rearrange, mix, master, and play the lead guitar.
My favourite genres are Rock, Metal, Jazz, EDM. To be more specific, I love Dream Theater, Metallica,, Miles Davis, The Frames, RetroVision, The Beatles, Scorpions, Pink Floyd, Rush, Eddie Higgins,Japanese Utaite